show-paren-mode will visually indicate corresponding parentheses, so you are much less likely to forget them. Note that 'parentheses' are not just '()', but also '[]', '{}'; and others (for example, in html-mode, '<>' are also considered to be parentheses). Also note that 'parentheses' is the plural of 'parenthesis'.
Even without show-paren-mode, emacs gives small visual cues by temporarily moving the cursor to the opening parenthesis when it is positioned just after the closing one. What show-paren-mode does is to improve upon that, and decide exactly how that happens. This is best explained using an example; to put in your .emacs:
(setq show-paren-delay 0) ; how long to wait? (show-paren-mode t) ; turn paren-mode on (setq show-paren-style 'expression) ; alternatives are 'parenthesis' and 'mixed'This will enable show-paren-mode globally. The show-paren-delay determines how long to wait before any visual cues; if you set it to, say, 1, you won't see anything when you're quickly scrolling, but only after you're 'standing still' for a second.
Then, show-paren-style:
- if you set it to 'expression, the whole expression will be highlighted - when your cursor is just before the 'world', you'll get:
- if you set it to 'parenthesis, only the corresponding parenthesis will be highlighted:
- finally, if you set it to 'mixed, it will behave like 'parenthesis when the matching parenthesis is visible, and like 'expression otherwise.
(set-face-background 'show-paren-match-face "#aaaaaa") (set-face-attribute 'show-paren-match-face nil :weight 'bold :underline nil :overline nil :slant 'normal)This will give the whole expression a grayish background (the "#aaaaaa"), and makes it bold. There is lots of room for experimentation here, obviously. Note that show-paren-mode can also detect mismatches, e.g. when try to close a '(' with a ']'. You can tune this with show-paren-mismatch-face, e.g.:
(set-face-foreground 'show-paren-mismatch-face "red") (set-face-attribute 'show-paren-mismatch-face nil :weight 'bold :underline t :overline nil :slant 'normal)
Ironically, you have an extra paren at the end of your (set-face-attribute 'show-paren-match-face ...) form.
look up paredit
Especially when you do programming in C (where matching parentheses can easily be out of sight), I find the following function quite useful:
(defun paren-match ()
"Tries to jump to the matching parenthesis to the one currently
under the point. Useful if the matching paren is out of sight. "
(cond ((looking-at "[{\[\(]") (forward-sexp 1) (backward-char))
((looking-at "[]})]") (forward-char) (backward-sexp 1))
(t (message "Point not at a parenthesis."))))
I usually bind it to C-x C-p globally.
Thank you,
I was looking exactly what Thomas F. just put there.. very handy.
There are default keybindings for jumping to opening and closing delimiters
C-M b (move backward)
C-M f (move forward)
See for details
Thanks a lot I was looking for some think like this for a while.
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