(easy-menu-define djcb-menu global-map "MyMenu" '("MyMenu" ;; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2008/12/running-console-programs-inside-emacs.html ("Programs" ;; submenu ["mutt" (djcb-term-start-or-switch "mutt" t)] ["mc" (djcb-term-start-or-switch "mc" t)] ["htop" (djcb-term-start-or-switch "htop" t)] ["iotop" (djcb-term-start-or-switch "iotop" t)]) ;; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/03/math-formulae-in-webpages.html ;; this submenu is only visible when in html-mode or html-helper-mode ("TeXDrive" :visible (or (string= major-mode "html-helper-mode") (string= major-mode "html-mode")) ["Insert formula" texdrive-insert-formula :help "Insert some formula"] ["Generate images" texdrive-generate-images :help "(Re)generate the images for the formulae"]) ;; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/03/twitter.html ("Twitter" ;; submenu ["View friends" twitter-get-friends-timeline] ["What are you doing?" twitter-status-edit]) ("Misc" ;; submenu ;; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/01/counting-words.html ["Count words" djcb-count-words] ;;http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2008/12/showing-line-numbers.html ["Show/hide line numbers" linum] ;; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2008/12/running-emacs-in-full-screen-mode.html ["Toggle full-screen" djcb-fullscreen-toggle])))Suffice it to say that you actually need to have the functions installed - see the links for the ones that interest you.
The menu-system is much more powerful than I show here. With easy-menu, your menus are mode-specific (or mode-map-specific); I use the global-map, so the menu is always visible. You can also include special 'toggle' menu items, you can make items active/inactive visible/invisible based on some function evaluation. You can also add your menu as a submenu to an existing one. I don't really need all that, but there are some great ways to spend some hours to get things just right :) Anyway, as an example of some of the extras, look at the TexDrive submenu, which is only visible when we're in html-mode or html-helper-mode. And see the help:-expressions, that define tooltips for the menu items.
There is one imperfection left. Right now, my menu is added at the left-most position. I haven't been able to figure out is to add the menu at the most-right position in the menubar (or maybe just before the 'Help' entry). It can be done with e.g. Drew Adams' menubar+, but I found that a bit less... easy. Anyway, an exercise for the reader...
Try this to move your Menu before the help menu:
(easy-menu-remove-item global-map '("menu-bar") "MyMenu")
(easy-menu-add-item nil '("menu-bar") djcb-menu "help-menu")
Hmmm... that gives me a copy of my 'djcb' menu as a submenu of a new top level menu called "menu-bar", between Tools and Lisp-Interaction. That might be some e24-specific though... anyway I'll play around a bit with easy-menu-(remove|add)-item, thanks!
Did anyone ever figure out how to add a new menu to the right of Help?
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