It's sometimes nice to see the changes you've made to a file. If the file is
under version control, you can use the 'diff
'-features of the version
control system of course; or you can use diff-buffer-with-file
to compare
your buffer with the version on disk. That obviously only. works when you
haven't saved the file yet.
Anyway, a bit easier, straighforward way may be to use
. With that mode, emacs can give a special color to
parts of the text that you have changed.
;; higlight changes in documents (global-highlight-changes-mode t) (setq highlight-changes-visibility-initial-state nil); initially hide
The last line tells me that the changes should not be visible unless I want to see them.
I defined a key binding (F6
) so I can easily toggle between
visible/invisible changes:
;; toggle visibility (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") 'highlight-changes-visible-mode) ;; changes ;; remove the change-highlight in region (global-set-key (kbd "S-<f6>") 'highlight-changes-remove-highlight)
With this last keybinding S-<f6>
(Shift-F6), I can remove the
change-indication of the current region (selection). Here are some other
useful keybindings to quickly jump between various changes:
;; alt-pgup/pgdown jump to the previous/next change ;; if you're not already using it for something else... (global-set-key (kbd "<M-prior>") 'highlight-changes-next-change) (global-set-key (kbd "<M-next>") 'highlight-changes-previous-change)
Another interesting thing you can do is M-x highlight-compare-with-file
The only remaining problem with highlight-changes-mode
is that the default
colors are, well, hideous. But of course, that can easily be fixed by changing
the faces:
(set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes nil) (set-face-background 'highlight-changes "#382f2f") (set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes-delete nil) (set-face-background 'highlight-changes-delete "#916868")
Or adding to your color-scheme:
(highlight-changes ((t (:foreground nil :background "#382f2f")))) (highlight-changes-delete ((t (:foreground nil :background "#916868"))))
Now, with these color changes, the foreground stays the same, only the background changes a bit. I am using a dark theme, you might want to change the colors to fit in with your theme.
There are some more features - for example, to rotate through changes of different age. For such things I prefer to use a version control system, but you might want to check it out.
Tracking changes can be quite useful. And, unlike some word-processing software, emacs does not hide your highly embarrassing modifications somewhere in your document…
nice. may i know what color scheme were you using taking that screenshot above? could you share with it?
Thanks for the tip. One small correction, the line (global-highlight-changes-mode t) should read (global-highlight-changes t)
@zzkt: well, in my emacs 23, 'global-highlight-changes-mode' is the preferred one. 'global-highlight-changes' is an alias for backward compatibility.
So, indeed for emacs <= 23.1, you might need 'global-highlight-changes' instead.
Sorry a beginner question..where do you put this code?
@Anonymous: ignore that last part about 'adding to your color-scheme'
all the other things should go to your ~/.emacs (~/.emacs means 'the file called .emacs, which is located in your homedir)
Also see:
Thanks, and if you are using xemacs then, do you put these in init.el?
@Anonymous: haven't used Xemacs in ages, but I think it would be: ~/.xemacs/init.el
Should the second
(set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes nil)
have been
(set-face-foreground 'highlight-changes-delete nil)
My .emacs is almost a mirror of the emacs-fu postings :)
@dave:good catch,eagle-eyed. copy-paste... i won't update right now, to avoid spamming
updated; fixed the mistake that dave found, and some small other things.
Hi, just found this after a long trek of Googling. My only remaining issue is I want the changes still being highlighted even after I save and reopen my file, do you have any ideas? Thanks a lot.
thank you.. it was a great help to find how the highlight-changes-mode can be controlled .
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